This is a current photo of Clay’s and Rose Marie’s home in Rockwall Texas showing the national flag of the United States. The flag is a powerful symbol of Americanism and is so revered and loved because it represents the land of the free.
Without appearing to be super patriotic, the Henrys try to honor it by flying it only in the daylight. They first learned about the symbolism of the flag in a high school course called Civics. Unfortunately, this nationalist attitude of honoring Old Glory seems to be waning in today’s modern culture.
So, how does all this relate to Christmas? Both scenarios have to do with meanings; one symbolizes honoring and revering something, a flag, and the other a person. One is the US flag and the other is Christ the Messiah.
For Christians, Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas. Sadly, it too has lost some of this meaning. Christmas is recognized as the time God gifted freedom to all mankind (John 8:36). When accepted by faith, His followers also received a new life that extends into eternity (Romans 6:22, 23). Therefore, they can heartily and cheerfully celebrate this time-honored occasion.
Considering all, we and our immediate family, Leticia, Denise, and Vonna are doing quite well as are our grandchildren, Rebecca, Jessica, William and Lexi. We trust that you, your relatives and friends will experience a delightful and merry Christmas., 115 Maywood, Rockwall Tx 75032,