
The Blogosphere’s Platform: Citizenship In A New Nation

It should be abundantly clear to those who visit this web site that they will be furnished titles and pertinent information about each of my available Christian books. Should they wish, they can order any of them from well-known book stores or the publisher. It also should be obvious that the platform of the blog […]

An Analysis of Blogging

Several years ago, I saw a subscription announcement on the front page of a local news-paper. The headline read “Become a citizen of the Spurs Nation”. (The Spurs are a well-known and a predominate basketball team in the NBA) By becoming a so-called ‘citizen’, an individual then has an opportunity to relinquish control of any […]

What is a Blog and What is a Post

I am strongly hopeful that my three published books, which includes my newest book, “Beyond Wondering about Murder from a Judeo-Christian Perspective”, will ignite real discussion in the Blog feature of my recently designed website, However, some of you may not be familiar with a blogging and even may not know what a post […]

The New Book is Published!

I am pleased to announce that my new book is now published!  As you can see from the photo above,  the title on the front cover of the book is Beyond Wondering about MURDER from a Judeo-Christian Perspective. This book is about murder and is considered from two perspectives. The first understanding is based upon […]

My New Book

I am sure that most of my fellow bloggers wondered about the lengthy pause that I’ve taken in my blog site. I have been out of my ‘blog room’ for the greater part of a year. The major reason for the prolonged pause was the writing of a new book. I wanted to compose a […]

Christmas and Togetherness

How do we overcome many of the stresses, distractions and even loneliness this Christmas season?  One proven theme of life is togetherness, which offers us a means of overcoming the turmoil’s at this time of the year. We can get a great amount of joy  by being with others, with family, friends and acquaintances. This theme […]